2007年3月31日 星期六

topic: On The Line

There is an emergency broke in Mrs. Washington’s home, her daughter swallowed some nameless pills. In stead of calling the city hospital, she called the telephone company. The kind supervisor immediately called the hospital for her, but the reply insisted on that they can not send an ambulance except the woman called them herself. But it a hurry, she forgot to hand up the phone that no one can dial her. The supervisor was so worried about the little girl’s life, so he turned to other helps. He asked the police, their plant and information operator for help. But almost any company needs the person involved to call them themselves. Finally, he filtered though the information operator to know that woman’s neighbors telephone and asked them to go to the Mrs. Washington’s house and call her to the phone. Fortunately, someone found them.

I admire the supervisor for his responsible attitude. Although he received a lot of impolite treats, he still tried to be clam and thought out a way to help them. The kind supervisor does save the little girl’s life. If he also thought that it’s not his business, maybe the girl will passing put or die. In my opinion, we should take more care about our neighbors. Whatever we do most have closely relationship with them, if we need help, they must be the ideal choice.

2 則留言:

Mandy 提到...

oh my god,
your writing is so great that i must admire you immediately.
I can see your conscientiousness and effort in this story.
You are really perfect.
i should learn from you and there are many words i found that i can't understand. I will look for them later.
Keep doing your best to finish every work.
What a good girl you are.

olaapple 提到...

I didn't read the article you write before I read your sentiment. Just because that, some of your words I can't catch your means.

I only find that your main mistake is punctuation mark. You have to pay more attention about that.

Keep doing your clever sides and your writing skill will be prefect.