2007年3月14日 星期三

topic:My favorite song

The leading man and the leading lady of the movie “The Polar Express” sing my favorite song “When Christmas Come To Town”.

The contents of the song is described a little boy who believes that sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can’t see. Even though he never receive the present from Santa. He guessed that Santa Claus must be busy in sending the present, cause he never comes around him. Those people believe that the existence of the Santa Claus can only hear the tinkling of the bell, so the bell still jingles for him. Once upon the time, all of his friends could hear of the bell, but after many years, they can’t hear any sound of the bell. This is not exactly that all of the things are not impossible, all it see you it believe or not believe.

I like the special day as I like this song. Christmas is the best time of the year; everyone is busy in decorating his or her house and Christmas tree.Although I am an adult, I believe that the Santa Claus is exist.

It will lose a lot of opportunities if you do not believe anything.

5 則留言:

Mandy 提到...

超好聽的 內容也好感人喔~~

Sabina 提到...

I like this song, too.
This is way you introduce to us,right?

匿名 提到...

this is a pleasant song.
It was good as I am hearing too that you wrote.

匿名 提到...

Good job! Even I dont know what song is it. Haha, just keep going and practice English.^^

Mandy 提到...

i love this song too.
when i listen to this song, i feel so touched. This movie i have seen twice and i cry once because it is so moved.