2007年3月27日 星期二

Amelia Bebelia by Peggy

It was the first day for Amelia Bedelia of work. The host can’t be there so he just made a list. She wanted to make a big surprise for them, and do all the works well on the list. She did the worked by the step in the list that they confess. But she misunderstood some of the words meaning on the list, and messed up all the works. When rich folks come to home, the hostess was so angry that she wants to fire her. Luckily, the surprise of lemon-meringue ingratiates the host and the hostess. At last, the folks learn that undust the furniture, unlight the lights and close the drapes.

It is a funny story, especially when the rich folks find that all works the maid misunderstood. The maid is so cute that she doesn’t think the words meanings, she even doesn’t doubt that why the folks want her to do that strange things. Fortunately, the maid didn’t be faired.

There are a lot of words have many meaning, whatever we write we should make sure whether they are right or not. Otherwise, we must make a lot of jokes.
