2007年4月7日 星期六

Learning and Growing

Reflection of the Missing Piece

In friendship :

All of us play up to our friends and our boss, just want everyone to like us; And try to decorate us by accessories, just want everyone to notice us. But we ever think that we should change our mind. In stead of asking for others to fit, we should refine ourselves.

In relationship :

You can meet kinds of people in your life, but not always everyone can fit. It must have some arguments and conflicts with your lover. If you don’t adjust yourself to others or change yourself, your love can not be perfect.

2007年3月31日 星期六

topic: On The Line

There is an emergency broke in Mrs. Washington’s home, her daughter swallowed some nameless pills. In stead of calling the city hospital, she called the telephone company. The kind supervisor immediately called the hospital for her, but the reply insisted on that they can not send an ambulance except the woman called them herself. But it a hurry, she forgot to hand up the phone that no one can dial her. The supervisor was so worried about the little girl’s life, so he turned to other helps. He asked the police, their plant and information operator for help. But almost any company needs the person involved to call them themselves. Finally, he filtered though the information operator to know that woman’s neighbors telephone and asked them to go to the Mrs. Washington’s house and call her to the phone. Fortunately, someone found them.

I admire the supervisor for his responsible attitude. Although he received a lot of impolite treats, he still tried to be clam and thought out a way to help them. The kind supervisor does save the little girl’s life. If he also thought that it’s not his business, maybe the girl will passing put or die. In my opinion, we should take more care about our neighbors. Whatever we do most have closely relationship with them, if we need help, they must be the ideal choice.

2007年3月27日 星期二

The Greatest Invention

I think the greatest invention is the light bowl. First, we don’t use candles to light the things. Secondly, we don’t dig the wall to catch the light. The last, we don’t catch the bugs to light us.

Once I was taking a bath, suddenly it is blackout; I was so afraid of and do not what to do. I can not rush out form the bathroom, only I can do was staying there and waiting for! But there is no light, thus I recognize that the light bowl must be the greatest invention.

Amelia Bebelia by Peggy

It was the first day for Amelia Bedelia of work. The host can’t be there so he just made a list. She wanted to make a big surprise for them, and do all the works well on the list. She did the worked by the step in the list that they confess. But she misunderstood some of the words meaning on the list, and messed up all the works. When rich folks come to home, the hostess was so angry that she wants to fire her. Luckily, the surprise of lemon-meringue ingratiates the host and the hostess. At last, the folks learn that undust the furniture, unlight the lights and close the drapes.

It is a funny story, especially when the rich folks find that all works the maid misunderstood. The maid is so cute that she doesn’t think the words meanings, she even doesn’t doubt that why the folks want her to do that strange things. Fortunately, the maid didn’t be faired.

There are a lot of words have many meaning, whatever we write we should make sure whether they are right or not. Otherwise, we must make a lot of jokes.

The Mixed-Up Chameleon by Eric Carle

I wish I could be cute like a dolphin.

The Mixed-Up Chameleon by Eric Carle
The story is about a Chameleon, he can change his body color with surroundings. When he hides in the wide grassland, he turns the color of green. When he hides in the big flower, he turns red. When he hides in the trunk of tree, he turns blown. If he is hungry and cold, he turns grey and moves his eyes up down and sideway. His tough spit out to catch the butterflies. One day he went to the zoo, there are a lot of amazing animals that he never seems before. He was envy and wanted to be them. He wishes he would be strong like a elephant, swim like a fish, run like a deer, funny like a seal. At last he becomes a very strange animal. Not only himself but not doesn’t like that special animals. He was mixed up and not happy. Finally, he just wants to be himself.

In this story, I like the cute chameleon. He doesn’t find his characteristics and imitates other animals. His thought is cute and childlike. But if he doesn’t do this, He can not find his characteristics.

In my opinion, everyone must have his or her great part and nobody can substitute for. If you insist on copying others, you won’t be happy and live a life of pain.

2007年3月20日 星期二

topic:Summary of “Changing Roles: Stay-at-home Dads”

According to the example of the Neil Walkingshaw, his wife told him that when her maternity leave ended she will return her position. Instead of hiring a babysitter, he wanted to take care of his own child. And the, he asked for his boss if he could change his business hours of each day for looking after child and his boss refused. But his boss agreed the same requires of the female employees. Then the tribunal awarded him fine.

It tells us that the concept is gradually changed though years. We often thought that woman should stay at home for cooking and taking care of children. But more researchers found that male plays an important role in children’s childhood. They believe that it can decrease crime rates if those criminal had father beside them when they were young.


The story of Tom’s Diner
On morning, the singer Suzanne was sitting at the Diner on the corner. She was waiting for the man to pour the coffee, but she had an argument with the waiter. After that she was opening the newspaper and purring the milk into her cup of coffee, it was reported an actor who was died out and drinking. She was observing the people behind the window, and then noticing there is a woman outside the Diner. She guessed that whether if the woman saw her as she doing or not. Finally, Suzanne found the woman didn’t see her; the woman just looked her own reflection on the widow. Suzanne tried to let the woman notice her, but the woman just hitched her skirt and make her stockings straight. It was raining continually; Suzanne was thinking of someone’s voice and missing all of the midnights. It was time to catch the train. (Time: 6min, 156words)